Microsoft MS PowerPoint and MS Word (2013, 2016, 2019 and 365) for Office and Business Presentation
Course Very Beneficial and Relevant!

Learnt a lot!
Microsoft PowerPoint and Word Course Plan:
2hrs MS WORD
Understanding the Word Program Screen Using Commands & Shortcuts Navigating, Browsing & Viewing a Document
Checking Spelling & Grammar Finding Text & Replacing Text Using Word Count & the Thesaurus Inserting Symbols & Special Characters
Copying & Moving Text Collecting Multiple Items to Move or Copy
Using Undo, Redo, Changing Font Type, Size & Colour
Changing Font Styles & Effects
Using Columns
Adding Column, Section, Page Breaks
Adding Page Number and Total Pages
Using Headers & Footers
Comparing & Cleaning Up Styles
Applying Document Themes
Creating New Theme Colours & Fonts
Save a New Document Theme
Inserting Clip Art, Inserting Screenshots, Inserting Pictures & Graphics
Altering the Look of Pictures & Graphics Formatting Pictures or Graphics
Inserting Shapes & Formatting Shape
Aligning & Distributing Objects
Flipping & Rotating Objects, Layering Objects Inserting a Text Box
Lesson 1: Getting Started with PowerPoint
A: Navigate the PowerPoint Environment
B: Create and Save a PowerPoint Presentation
C: Use Help
Lesson 2: Developing a PowerPoint Presentation
A: Select a Presentation
B: View and Navigate a Presentation
C: Edit Text Topic
D: Build a Presentation
Lesson 3: Performing Advanced Text Editing
A: Format Characters
B: Format Paragraphs
C: Format Text Boxes
Lesson 4: Adding Graphical Elements and Multimedia to Your Presentation
A: Insert Clip Art and Images
B: Insert Shapes
C: Insert Videos, Movies, Animated Pictures, Sounds and Music.
D: Rotate Images and containing them inside various shapes.
E: Convert 2D photos and documents into 3D.
F: Convert images to transparent background to blend well with slides.
Lesson 5: Modifying Objects in Your Presentation
A: Edit Objects
B: Format Objects
C: Group Objects
D: Arrange Objects into Different Layers
E: Use Eyedropper Tool to get any colour
Lesson 6: Adding Tables to Your Presentation
A: Create a Table
B: Format a Table with various styles and options
C: Insert a Table from Other Microsoft Office Applications
Lesson 7: Adding Charts to Your Presentation
A: Create different kinds of Charts
B: Format a Chart to add/delete data series, legend and title.
C: Insert a Chart from Microsoft Excel
Lesson 8: Adding Transitions and Animations
A: Create different Effects of transitions from One Slide to Another
B: Use entrance and exit animations, and emphasis effects.
C: Add sounds and understand the different timing options.
Lesson 9: Using Action Buttons
A: Add buttons to navigate to various parts of the presentation
B: Add buttons to run an application
C: Add buttons to browse a website
Lesson 10: Presentation Tips and Actual Presentation
A: Have a great start
B: Learn about 10/20/30 rule
C: Understand importance of content versus delivery
D: Understand important of eye contact, body language, power of pause
E: Have meaningful comparisons